
Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Chapter six.

George didn't like lettuce but Roomy did, and at this point in time that difference in onion mattered. It really did! The lettuce guy wasn't very happy about someone not liking lettuce. Lettuce was his life! Not liking it was inconceivable to him! This made him very sad so he ordered all his pet chips to dance to cheer him up a bit. This seems to be a good plan he loved his pet chips (they were also 80% lettuce by chance).

But the chips inexplicably fell into a rouge frying pan and even though every one tried to save them they fried till there was no potato left. The lettuce man screamed! He stomped his feet and cried, they were his best friends those chips! George tried to comfort him in the best way a box knew how. This included flapping his flaps and dancing on his corners whilst handing out slightly used tissues.

But just had to point out that with his flaps, Roomy’s windows and his leaf imbedded hands (he had a dreadful job-morph illness that affected large numbers of workaholics at that time, it was lucky he didn’t work with holey cheese…) rescuing wasn’t really going to happen. There were so many logistical problems for post-inanimate objects. They just weren’t made to rescue anything never mind small green chips from hot places. But the chips did look quite content even if they were becoming over cooked food like what would be served in a rather low market cafĂ© with plastic tablecloths and chipboard tables.

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